
Showing posts from November, 2020

Is It Unhealthy To Train In Masks?

  Is It Unhealthy To Train In Masks? Masks and face-coverings have been promoted and even mandated in the USA and all over the world to help control the spread of Covid19 despite there being little to no data directly showing their effectiveness in doing so. (1) However, the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) and other “experts” recommend their use, so some states and counties have mandated them. The scope of this article isn’t to state whether I am pro or against mask mandates, but to address a question I get asked a lot, “Is it safe to train in masks?” Luckily, before we even have a direct, controlled study on if masks prevent the spread of Covid19, the good folks at the Scandanavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports published a darn-good study on this, and the result is conclusive enough for me. Training in masks, while annoying, will not harm you and will minimally effect performance. (2) In a nutshell, researchers took 16 healthy young males, strapped either an N95 mask or

Firm Butt in 12 Weeks - A Girl's Guide to the Perfect Backside

  Firm Butt in 12 Weeks - A Girl's Guide to the Perfect Backside You can also check our full Bikini Body Workout here You want a tight, round and sexy butt along with a hot body to match but you keep reading conflicting information. This magical diet, this routine that some Hollywood star used to get in shape for a movie, the elimination of a food group like carbs…you are overwhelmed with conflicting information. Also, there is that notion that women will look like men if they train with weights. I would hate to burst your bubble if looking like a man is what you want…but you won't. The main reason is testosterone. Normal testosterone levels in men are 200-1200 ng/dl while 15-70 ng/dl are normal in women. Thus, the most girly of all men hanging out at 200 ng/dl is still over double the man of the most manly woman. So if growing an Adam's Apple and a pair of…Nevermind…you will be sadly disappointed. So what shall we do to build the beautiful onion butt (butt so nice it makes